Radiology Alliance for Health Services Research (RAHSR)


Congratulations Janie M. Lee, MD, M.Sc, University of Washington, recipient of the 2023 RAHSR Achievement Award

Congratulations to Hamza A Ibad, MBBS, John Hopkins Medicine recipient of the 2023 RAHSR - Harvey L. Neiman Award

RAHSR/RRA On-line Statistical Webinar Series is now available on the AAR Resources page.

The goals of the Alliance shall be to encourage and promote health services research and education by and for radiology. The goals of the Alliance shall be furthered through: establishment of educational programs in health services research; establishment of forums for the presentation of research and the dissemination of knowledge; collaboration of its membership in health services research and education projects; encouragement of the development of careers in health services research; dissemination and communication of members’ research findings; and cooperation with other organizations whose purposes and goals include health services research and the evaluative sciences.

Vision Statement

RAHSR will be the advocate of generating and utilizing the best available evidence to provide patient-centered care.

Mission Statement

RAHSR is committed to promoting health services research in the discipline of radiology through the dissemination of knowledge and collaboration of its members.

2024-25 Officers

Kathryn Lowry, MD - President
Lars J. Grimm, MS - President-elect

Tina Tailor, MD- Secretary-Treasurer

Tessa S. Cook, MD, PhD - Immediate Past President

RAHSR Awards