AAR Grand Rounds Webinar Series

AAR is pleased to present the AAR Grand Rounds Webinar Series. Each of the AAR affinity groups will take turns as host, offering up a variety of topics of interest to the AAR membership. All AAR members are welcome and encouraged to attend all webinars regardless of affinity group affiliation. These talks promise to be engaging and interactive with plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Webinars take place at 5 pm Eastern.

2024 Upcoming Webinars

  • December 12 at 5 pm Eastern From Fellow to Faculty – Taking the Leap (hosted by AMSER)

Speakers: Richa Patel MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Body Imaging, Stanford Radiology; Sherry Wang MBBS, Associate Professor of Abdominal Imaging, Mayo Clinic
Moderator: Judith Gadde, DO, Associate Professor, Northwestern

In this AAR grand rounds, Dr. Richa Patel (Stanford Radiology) & Dr. Sherry Wang (Mayo Clinic Rochester) will be discussing the transition from trainee to academic radiology. They will offer their own perspectives on how trainees can make that switch & what their faculty can do to support them in the process!

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