ACER Awards

ACER Achievement Award

The Alliance of Clinician-Educators in Radiology seeks nominations each year for its Achievement Award. Nominees should be a leader in radiology education, with significant contributions to ACER, education, and academic radiology.

The recipient is presented with a plaque during the AAR Annual Meeting.

Submit a nomination

*Nominations close on Friday, September 20.

2024 Award Recipient

Omar Awan, MD, MPH

Past Award Recipients:


ACER Emerging Educator Award

Award Objectives

  • Recognize Emerging Talent: To acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of early-career educators who show promise in the field of Radiology Education. 
  • Encourage Engagement: To motivate new educators to become actively involved in ACER and its initiatives. 

Award Eligibility Criteria 

Emerging Educators within the field of Radiology who have: 

  • Been a member of ACER for a minimum of one year
  • Is no more than 7 years out of training (can include trainees/residents/fellows)
  • Made notable contributions to or demonstrated a strong interest in Radiology Education

2024 Award Recipient
Judith Gadde, DO, MBA
Past Award Recipients: