Click here to fill out the SIG Form and join the ALAAR SIG

Chair: Jessica B. Robbins, MD, FAAR

Vice Chair: Fiona Fennessy, MD, PhD

AAR has created the Alliance of Leaders in Academic Affairs in Radiology (ALAAR) a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for radiology departmental leaders, such as Vice Chairs or Directors of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs. The mission of ALAAR is to support leaders in academic affairs positions, facilitate the sharing of ideas and best practices, and lay the foundation to establish robust metrics and benchmarks for what constitutes career success for academic clinical radiology faculty across a variety of institutions.

For 2023-24 we will be focusing our efforts on fostering retention and recruitment of radiologists.  We meet monthly to strategize our efforts, discuss innovative opportunities, check in on progress, and provide peer support to each other as we navigate our roles.